Department of Education


Disposition of Caring Handbook

Disposition of Caring Assessment  (Online)

Disposition of Caring Assessment (PDF)

Candidate Perceptions Assessment (Online)

Candidate Perceptions Assessment and Scoring Guide (PDF) 

If you are in need of a specialized report, please contact Jones Mays @901-277-4652 or 

LCAS Data Collection Overview Table


Initial  Programs   Analysis of Data Collection



 (Admissions Committee Chair) Number of Applicants who applied for the program.

·       Apply
·       Admitted
·       Denied

Beginning of each semester Paper Application

And Online Application

Annual Report

PTAXIS I and II Scores Coordinator The student’s scores on the PRAXIS when entering the program Beginning of each semester Documentation in the App.
Program Completion
Department Chair Number of Students who completed the program for Fall, Spring, Summer I & II End of each semester Paper
Graduation App.Tennessee Reporting System
Key Assessment Data Faculty* Number of students enrolled in the program  by ethnicity* on  Transition Chart Each Semester Paper
 (Practice Exam Data) Certification Seminar Course Faculty/Test Prep Coordinator The total number of students who took the practice exam(pass and fail) Continuously Paper/

Scranton Data


Licensure Exam Data

Faculty/ Certification Officer The total number of students who took the exam(pass and fail) Monthly Electronically




Department Chair The total number of students who are enrolled in the program By Semester Electronically
Faculty  Evaluations


Department Chair/Division Head The analysis of all faculty members by department.

·       Student
·       Peers (3)
·       Division Chair
·       Self Evaluation

Annually Electronically
Clinical Practice


Faculty/ Field Experience and Clinical Practice Coordinator All students’ observation by Supervisor, Teacher Candidate, and ISD Teacher  for the Fall and Spring Semester
·       Lesson Plans
·       Unit Plans
·       Reflective Journal
·       Action Research
·       TWS
·       Exit Interview
By Semester Paper


Field Experiences Faculty/Field Experience and Clinical Practice Coordinator All field experiences (internship, practicum) by Area of Study. By Semester Paper


Unit Survey Faculty Survey for DOE faculty and students to assess the DOE as a Unit Annually Electronically
Disposition Survey Faculty The analysis of student’s disposition/caring proficiencies in  courses identify on the  Transition Chart By Semester Paper


Perception Instrument  (K,S)
Knowledge and Skills
Faculty The analysis of the student’s knowledge and skills  in  a selected course by semester  or when course is offered By Semester Paper


Follow-Up Survey

Exit Survey

Faculty/CAEP Coordinator Candidate’s feedback on program Annually Paper


Employer Survey Faculty/CAEP Coordinator Employer feedback on the performance of our candidates. Annually Paper
